Date for our neighborhood’s yard sale is set for Saturday May 24. This is the
first 3 day weekend of the summer, Memorial Day. Your trash is someone else’s
treasure. More info coming soon.
New cluster mailbox will be installed by the Post Master in the coming weeks.
10 months till the RRVE Excutive Board election. If you ever thought you would like to be on the Board and would like to shadow the current board to see what it’s like to be a Board Member
then call 575-336-2125.
Per survey sent out with your invoice “keep the comments coming”. Some of your
comments are really interesting. The board will report all comments at the next
Membership Meeting in April - we’ll make it FUN. Coffee and donuts will be served
always a big hit.
If you want to take advantage of paying online the board needs your email address
to make that happen. You can submit your email on this website or at
The board has to date collected about 25% of the members emails. With your email address
the board can send you emails quickly as to what’s happening like if there is an emergency like last year. This is just another way the Board can keep you informed and you can also contact us immediately.
Thank you for checking with the website and periodically check back.